05 February 2008

Hoodia - Day 1

I'm calling this post Day 1, as I think it's the official first day I'm taking it 'properly' and it has been about one week since I've had it in my system.

This morning I changed my routine... for those of you who know me, you can imagine this was quite a jolt to handle! :) I took the pills in the morning right away, brushed my teeth, then sat and watched the Weather Channel for about five minutes to wake myself up. After that, I did my normal getting-ready stuff, and a half an hour later from taking the pills, I ate breakfast. During that half an hour, I didn't feel hunger pains at all. A good start! I had a small bowl of cereal, and although I feel pretty full now, 1.5 hours later, I felt content at the time. So far so good!

I also measured my body. Luckily, it wasn't too much of a shock or difference from what I've been for a long time. :) I measured from top to bottom, including my arms and thighs. I'm curious if my BodyPump class will yield a drastic measurement change in those limbs. I’m inclined to take a ‘before’ picture, too... but we’ll see.

Oh, this morning I had an e-mail about someone who wanted to post a message in response to my first Hoodia post... it was spam!!! Some guy who has a website about the Hoodia Sucker... saying if you consume it, it goes directly into the blood stream, works better, blah blah blah. Um, if I'm eating a sucker, and that's going into my stomach, then what's the difference between swallowing pills... that go into my stomach!? Silly. I rejected it... maybe I should have posted it for fun though. Omigod, I just visited the website out of curiosity, and it’s a TRAVEL website!!! LMAO! It’s nothing about Hoodia... it’s about vacationing... how pathetic.

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