19 February 2008

DEX C20 - Day 5

Okay, this stuff is definitely working... I think.

When I eat breakfast, I start to feel really stuffed as I barely finish my small bowl of cereal. I can last until about 10:30 to 11 am until I feel a small tinge of hunger pain. If I have to eat, I'll eat a banana or something small to hold me until lunch. Yesterday, I had lunch at 11:45, and I wasn't even hungry when I left for the gym at 4:45! I ate a Fiber bar though, before exercise, just in case. But again, I wasn't hungry.

I felt some slight hunger pokes on the bus ride home, but they're different than normal... it's not a gurgling pain, but instead, it's more of a minimal pressure that is easily ignored. I was able to come home and put my stuff away and make something small for dinner without feeling like I was starving and had to eat immediately.

So far so good! I'm curious to see my report at the two week mark... and perhaps on days when I eat healthier things. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just bought DEX C20 today, and i am hoping to see some results im glad to hear its starting to work for you. good luck.