26 March 2008

DEX Comment

Some information for women taking Dex... for me, during my menstrual cycle, the Dex doesn't work at all! The day that it starts, I'm hungry at my usual, old times. This tapers out towards the end of the week, but it's strong enough where I've noticed the difference these past two periods. I'm not sure if I should just stop taking it during those times, or keep taking them out of habit and keep it in my system.


Anonymous said...

Hi Becky :)

I am so glad I found your Blog! I started taking DEX about 12 days ago and so far have not noted any changes weight or inches? Maybe it will take longer? I also have noticed an increase in (sorry to be gross) my BMs, did you have that problem?


becky said...

Glad my babble is helping! :)

I've been doing BodyPump at the same time, and I'm pretty average as far as weight/fat, so I too haven't really noticed a drastic change solely from the Dex. Give it some time... But have you notice you're eating less or snacking less? That for me, is what's important!

And no, sorry, no changes in my BM's. Everything is regular! :) I did have some BO issues though, when I first started the Dex, but that seems to have tapered out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Becky! You're Babble is greatly appreciated, especially with this stuff being so new!

I have noticed that after the weekend (one of my cheat days) my weight actually went back down and I lost a pound! normally on MOndays I am up about 3 lbs and then it goes back down in a couple days so that was intresting!

I am also glad to hear that you are exercising and eating right!