24 March 2008

DEX C20 - Day 39

Day 39!?! I can't believe it has been that long since I bought this stuff...

Anyway, I'll honestly say I haven't been eating very well this past week/weekend... holiday and all, and it was just one of those weeks! I've been skipping Pilates as well, so I need to get back into that again TODAY. Although Dex does suppress your appetite and craving for foods, you are able to override it - i.e. stuffing your face even though you're full! Something I need to work on when there's free food around...

Very busy at work, though... more to come later, when I have some real information. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have noticed the same thing, the ability to "override"! I am currently on Day 25 and have been taking DEX very religiously, with the exception of maybe 2 days. I am down 5 pounds. I started to exercise about 2 weeks ago, maybe 3 times a week with this program I found called FitterU. If you are like me and lost in the gym with no direction, can't afford a personal trainer, gym classes never seem to fit into my schedule, this is an awesome program: http://www.mp3personal
They even offer a free download.
I also have not really been watching what I am eating, just eating less. I have noticed that I can even go without eating dinner or drink a slim fast and not feel hungry. I have not taken measurements, but I feel like I look slightly slimmer.
