09 February 2011

Eggs - Post-Extraction - Day 2

Well, finally feeling great mentally, and I definitely notice a huge difference in my energy. I'm waking up naturally with the sunlight and standing up again at work (not to mention smiling more, too!). But the body is still slowly getting back to normal... bloated again and there's some slight pressure down in my biz-nass... nothing painful though — just annoying.

Looking forward to more improvement over the next week! The Center called to check-up on me and asked if I wanted to donate again. I said probably, but not in the near future... I will call when I'm ready again. I verified the cut-off age being 32, and she said since I'm already a donor, they could push it to 34; however, most recipients choose 'young' eggs over the older ones, so there's less of a chance that I'll be picked. But if it's meant to be, it'll happen, I guess! :)

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