Marg paid for a video — it was expensive so I decided against it — but they were kind enough to snap pics of me. :)
Here's us before the dive...

...and here's after! The adrenaline spike was SO big, I could barely stand up once we landed.

We already bought our discount tickets for another jump! :D
Here we are, getting ready to board the plane. They made us watch a 5 minute video about the risks, then sign/initial a bazillion forms saying we won't sue the place if we get hurt or die. But after that, you basically wait for your turn, put on your gear, and go up! It's like an assembly-line... which is why I felt very safe; they have tons of staff making sure these jumps turn out perfect.

They can cram up to 16 people in this tiny plane, I think... you really gotta be comfortable touching everyone on the way up, too! And sitting in your instructors lap when they click your harnesses together... LOL. ;)

Any last words? :D

You don't really 'jump' out of the plane... you sit at the edge of it and hang off, then flop out...

You basically have to turn your brain off to the fact that you just flopped out of a plane at 13,000 feet... and once the cold air hits you, it's pretty easy just to enjoy all the sensations of the free-fall! Then they pull the chute and you're gliding over the land, seeing all the details without having 3-inch thick airplane window blocking your view... it was so amazing! And once you hit the warm atmosphere and get closer to the ground, it's just so relaxing and peaceful. :D
Here's Marg free-falling!

And here's me coming in for the landing, which was much smoother and coordinated than I thought it would be, having someone attached to your back.

Yayyy we did it!!! Again, so much adrenaline pumping... was hard to stand, cause the legs were Jell-O!

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