It's a Tippmann Platinum 98. Very sturdy and powerful!

On a side note, I jogged over a week ago, and my knees are still a bit sore/swollen from it. I really over-did it though... so I'd recommend if anyone is starting to run after 10 years of not doing it, to only jog 10 minutes a week, max, for a month! Start slow, even though you may feel okay. Of course, I read an article a few days ago saying this very thing... too late for me though! The article talked about how running IS good for your body, if done properly (like any exercise or sport). It said your joints are the only living tissue in your body without blood cells, so in order to work them out and release toxins, they need that compression. Plus jogging is very good for your heart, and my cardio really needs a revamp!
A couple co-workers of mine are also doing the 100 Push-Up Challenge.
It sounds fun! I'm also going to do crunches along with it, too. I was able to do just barely 6 push-ups (real ones, not on the knees), and about 25 proper crunches. We're starting tomorrow... should go well! :)
Think I'll be biking mostly this week, to continue and wait for my knees to repair fully. I can't tell you how motivated and excited I am to get back into shape!!! It's just frustrating to have to take it slow, though...
I am also thinking about getting a Personal Chef for a month, four days a week, lunch and dinner. I'm currently price checking, and I'll have to dip into my savings/tax-refund to do it, but if it means getting my body back into eating healthy, well-balanced meals, and probably losing some weight because of it, then it's totally worth it! I had planned to cook on Sunday's to prep lunches for the work-week, but so far, I haven't had time and/or have been lazy and not going to the grocery store. I'm so bad at those things... and I get very bored very quickly with the things I know how to cook.
More updates to come later on all my Get Back Into Shape 2009 progress! :)